Your NASCAR Lottery is Sponsored by Casebine! From humble beginnings, Casebine has grown to become a full-service financial institution serving anyone who lives or works in Des Moines, Lee, Henry, & Louisa Counties in Iowa and Hancock & Henderson Counties in Illinois. Experience the Casebine difference today and see where YOU belong!
Casebine NASCAR Lottery
Monday – Friday at 6:40 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. (Weekly During NASCAR Season)
- Call Wyatt at 319-752-5252 to be assigned a driver for the upcoming NASCAR race.
- If your driver comes in first place, you win a $10 HyVee Gift Card thanks to our friends at HyVee of Burlington!
- Winning the weekly race puts you in the running for our grand prize at the end of the year! If your Driver wins the CHAMPIONSHIP race at the end of the season…YOU WIN $100 HY-VEE OF BURLINGTON GIFT CARD AND TWO NASCAR TICKETS for the 2026 season (race to be determined later)!!!